The Power of Grey
This post has been inspired firstly, by my love of fashion, but also by women who understand their power, who are comfortable with who they are, who celebrate their life experience and are not afraid to speak their mind.
I just love wearing grey!!
For most of my working life in the fashion industry I have lived in black!! It was 'my uniform' - my 'signature look'and whilst it was flattering and easy, it did not add the dimension that I needed to really express myself through fashion. In the past few years, I have graduated to all the fabulous shades of grey.
It's never been so fashionable to wear it top to toe.
Wearing grey is soft, yet strong, and always chic. I'm am currently working towards this 'state of being', but in the meantime I want to share with you all that is 'the POWER that is GREY'!!